Can Homemade Yogurt Make You Sick? [Important True Facts]

Can homemade yogurt make you sick? Is it possible to fall ill due to the consumption of homemade yogurt? Because you are drinking raw milk, it can definitely be the reason behind your sickness.

Unsterilized milk may carry hazardous pathogens. In addition, cows that appear to have no issues can carry pathogens, including legionella, escherichia coli, and cholera. These pathogens can infect their milk.

Every one of us wishes we could prepare our homemade yogurt. But, you might just have noticed other people say how easy it is to make and how nutritious it is for consumption in the morning.

Preppers know how important it is to have meal plans that do not necessitate multiple visits to the market for pre-packaged meals. Nonetheless, it is ideal to ensure that the meals you make are not harmful.

If you prepare your yogurt correctly, it might be safe. For example, you prepare yogurt by curdling milk with germs generally considered safe for most people.

It is merely that if you ferment your yogurt, there is a danger of harmful bacteria developing during the process.

There are a few things you can do to keep your yogurt safe while creating it so that it is fit for consumption.

What Is Yogurt?

The name yogurt refers to a tangy, thickened milk in Turkey. Yogurt, on the other hand, does not have a single origin.

Yogurt is found in practically every civilization that has raised cows for milk, and it was most likely discovered in the same way in each.

Fresh milk thickens and acquires a pleasant, sour taste when placed in a container containing friendly microorganisms. The lactic acid created during the fermentation process also serves as a preservative, extending the shelf life of cultured milk.

In 1900, researchers began studying and cultivating the microorganisms responsible for yogurt production. They were soon able to mix selected strains that could dependably culture for commercial creameries.

Yogurt is manufactured by blending milk with bacteria (also known as a yogurt starter culture) and allowing it to culture, as previously stated.

While store-bought yogurt is also used as a starter for manufacturing homemade yogurt, utilizing a powdered beginning culture lets you know exactly what ingredients go into the final product.

Whole Milk by 365 by Whole Foods Market off Amazon will fulfill all of your milk needs and can be made into yogurt as well. It is rich in Vitamin D.

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Things You Can Do To Make Your Homemade Yogurt To Eat

These are the things you can do to keep your safe homemade yogurt safe for human consumption.

  • When choosing milk you will use in your yogurt, ensure it is fresh and not likely to spoil. Bacteria will be reduced as a result. Make sure you sterilize the milk or buy sterilized milk because other milk can have hazardous microorganisms.
  • People can make the error of not using adequate amounts of starter when making yogurt. Ensure that you are using the appropriate amount of starter proportionate to the milk you used
  • When chilling yogurt, instead of chilling it too much, let it settle to the proper temp. You will have to microwave it again if it is not cold enough, that could lead to more bacterial growth.
  • Make sure the yogurt is fermented at the proper heat, since if you don’t, you will end up with milk when you actually wanted yogurt. Milk, when stored, has a shorter shelf life than dairy products and that includes yogurt.
  • When you are preparing yogurt, inspect the yogurt to find if any mold has developed right at the exterior. If this is the case, you may need to extract the mold clumps and get rid of them, as this is an indication of fermentation going wrong.
  • When you have a big batch of yogurt, put it in the fridge immediately. The bacteria will be prevented from multiplying at a hotter temperature, making your yogurt harmless to consume.
  • If you want to sterilize milk by yourself, heat it to 80 degrees Celsius. If you want to save money, buy a large quantity of sterilized milk at once.
  • If you realize that you might be putting the starter into the yogurt after there has not been enough development for several hours, this will not correct the error.
  • It is too late at that time, and you should not add any more starter because determining the efficiency of the yogurt would be difficult otherwise. To put it another way, identifying the harmful microorganisms that exist in the yogurt would necessitate a lab investigation.
  • If you have any doubt that your yogurt has gone bad, toss it. People who have had food poisoning are well aware of how unpleasant the condition can be.

When It Comes To Making Homemade Yogurt, There Are A Few Things You Should Avoid

These are all the things that you should avoid at all costs when you are making homemade yogurt.

Do Not Get Too Worked Up About Anything

Many people report sleeping poorly in expectation of a delicious batch of yogurt. It is perfectly reasonable. My first effort was exhilarating.

But, waking up to check on your incubating yogurt as if it were a sick child with a fever is unnecessary.

Checking the yogurt every 30 minutes to see if it is “done” is a bad idea. The procedure will likely be hampered if you jostle or move the bowl.

It is OK to shake the bowl after 5-6 hours lightly. However, keep an eye out for a gelatin-like wobble.

Please accept my apologies for interrupting if a slight shaking generates a splash (of the milk, not just the clear liquid lying on top). Allow yourself another hour or two to allow the yogurt bacteria to multiply.

In a similar vein, please do not stir or disturb your fermenting yogurt until it has set. The culturing process is stopped by pouring it into a sieve or another container. You will either have to utilize it as is or try again by adding more “starters.” 

The starter is available in plenty of online and regular stores if you want the convenience of it being delivered to your store. Greek Yogurt Starter Culture by Cultures for Health is a yogurt starter with a high level of biodiversity that keeps it from degrading over time.

It has a sophisticated bacteria blend that improves nutrient value and aids metabolism. In addition, it is gluten-free and straightforward to make; it only takes a few minutes to prepare.

Do Not Use Milk That Is A Few Days Old

Making yogurt with stale milk is not a viable option for using it—the more refined the taste, the fresher the milk. In addition, the finished yogurt will last for a longer time.

Homemade yogurt usually lasts at least two weeks in the refrigerator. Please keep in mind that if you use your homemade yogurt to start another batch, it should not be older than 7-10 days.

Can homemade yogurt make you sick? It will if the milk is a few days old.

Just Because You Are Using Pasteurized Milk, Do Not Skip The Heating Step

When milk is heated to 80-85 degrees Celsius, the proteins are rearranged to be favorable to yogurt bacteria. As a result, the heating process is not solely to kill bacteria in the milk, as some may believe.

If you skip this stage, your yogurt will be thinner and more suitable for sipping. If you do not want to heat your milk, try making yogurt with a cold start. It is a lot less complicated.

The first reason for heating milk is to eliminate any bacteria in their natural environment, fungus, or mold, and mildew that may have entered milk.

This happens to be crucial because you do not want unknown germs in your milk when it comes to milk culturing.

The second benefit of boiling the milk is that at around 77 degrees, lactoglobulin, the most prevalent protein in whey and dairy, fully dissolves and unfolds.

This permits those proteins to attach with caseins, other proteins found in milk. The end product is a thicker, harder yogurt curd.

Do Not Consume All Of Your Homemade Yogurt

I understand how difficult it is to stop eating tasty yogurt. However, set aside a few teaspoons of your homemade yogurt as a starter for your future batch.

This should be done before incorporating any flavorings or sugars. Then put it behind a vegetable that no one in your family likes so that no one eats it.

Before starting with yogurt that you bought from the store, you can usually prepare 4 to 5 batches.

On the other hand, traditional yogurt starters can be re-used for a more extended period and are available online. Cultures For Health Traditional Flavor Yogurt Starter is entirely natural and will not put a dent in your budget.

Why Does Your Homemade Yogurt Have A Slimy Texture?

It is very disheartening when you prepare yogurt; it is a sticky disaster. It can also take the form of being fibrous and slimy simultaneously.

It is difficult to pinpoint precisely what went wrong with your yogurt because there are so many variables to consider, like milk variances, heating technique, culture duration, the starter used, and so on.

Nonetheless, I will attempt to describe what happens when your yogurt acquires a honey-like texture that is both slippery and fibrous.

Flies flying around your house may have landed on your yogurt, leaving it slimy, which became your yogurt. Maybe you used a starter that was a little stringy.

The consistency of the yogurt will be similar to that of the starter. Another possibility is of your equipment being infected. Check to see whether it has been appropriately cleaned in a washer in a warm setting to get rid of the bacteria.

Is It Safe To Eat Yogurt When It Feels Slimy

You might be thinking about the decision of tossing out your sticky yogurt because it could be harmful to eat. However, according to what I have researched, many people ate their slimy yogurt but did not fall sick.

Nonetheless, it will have a more excellent yeasty flavor, and if you do not like it, It is generally best not to consume it. The flavor reminds me of a loaf of bread that has crumpled in the center from the over-fermentation of yeast in the dough.

That bread is fit for consumption, yet it does not have a good flavor due to it tasting too yeasty.

If your sticky yogurt has a strange odor, though, get rid of it. Do the same with any other yogurt that has been sitting in your refrigerator for quite some time and has become slimy.

Another question is whether you can restore the yogurt after it has gone wrong, which I do not believe can happen.

Nonetheless, I certainly understand why you will not want to consume the yogurt in this condition because it does not look enjoyable.


Can homemade yogurt make you sick? Can it make you sick? It most definitely can if you do not take the necessary precautions while making the homemade yogurt.

Also, if you plan to eat a bit of the homemade yogurt, pour it into a separate container and refrigerate the rest right away.

One thing to keep in mind is that refrain from adding sweeteners. These substances have the potential to promote bacterial development.

To be on the safe side, store the yogurt plain, and you can put it in the sweetener right before eating the yogurt.

As with everything else, consuming an excess of anything and everything will make you sick, so you should be careful about how much yogurt you consume.