How to Rig a Hard Jerkbait for Optimal Performance

If you’re looking to improve your fishing game, consider rigging a hard jerk bait for optimal performance. This lure is designed to mimic baitfish and can be extremely effective when used correctly.

This article will discuss how to rig a hard jerkbait and provide some tips on using it effectively. Let’s get started.

What is Jerkbait?

How To Rig A Hard Jerkbait

A jerkbait is a type of lure that is designed to mimic baitfish. It typically has a long, slender body and a curved tail that makes it wobble as it moves through the water.

Jerkbaits are often used in bass fishing but can be effective for other types of fish.

Jerkbaits have been around since at least the 1960s, when legendary lure maker Fred Arbogast created them.

Since then, many other companies have started producing their versions of jerk baits with varying degrees of success.

Examples include Rapala’s Original Floating (OF) series and Strike King Red Eye Shad (REES).

There are many different types of jerk baits available on the market today, but they all have one thing in common: They’re designed to be fished with short jerks or twitches while retrieving them slowly through the water column.

This action imitates how baitfish swims and can trigger strikes from hungry predators.

The best jerk baits are made from durable materials like wood or plastic that won’t break easily when pulled through a snaggy cover.

They usually have one treble hook at the tail end with two sets of barbs on each point to ensure good hooksets and hold fish firmly in place during the battle.

You can find them in many different styles and colors, so it’s important to select the right bait for the conditions you’re fishing in.

Now that we know what jerk baits are let’s look at rig them for best performance.

How to Rig a Hard Jerkbait

There are a few different ways to rig a hard jerkbait, but the most common is with a Texas rig. To do this, you’ll need:

Hard jerk baits can be extremely effective when rigged properly. The Texas rig is one of the most common ways to rig a hard jerkbait, but it’s not the only way.

You can also choose how much weight you want to use (some people like to use a lot of weight, while others prefer less). You can also experiment with different hooks and fishing lines.

The key is to rig it so that the bait is swimming naturally. The bait will swim unnaturally and won’t be as effective if you rig it too tight. So make sure to experiment until you find the right way to rig your hard jerk bait.

Try a lighter weight and a smaller hook if you’re new to hard jerk baits. You can always add more weight or switch hooks later if you like how the bait swims with less weight or smaller hooks.

The key to rig a hard jerk bait is to make sure that the bait swims in its natural way without too much weight or hooks getting in the way of how it would normally swim if it were alive and swimming around on its own.

Experiment with different weights and hooks to find what works best for you, and make sure to adjust as needed.

A lighter weight with a smaller hook may work well for beginners, while those who are more experienced may prefer a heavier weight and a larger hook.

The key thing to remember when rigging up any hard lure is that you want it facing straight out from where the hook goes in so it will swim smoothly through water without getting caught on anything along its paths, such as weeds or rocks.

You can also use a Texas Rig with an offset worm hook for soft plastic jerk baits.

Best Fishing Techniques for Jerkbait

Now that we know how to rig a hard jerk bait let’s look at some of the best techniques for using it.

One of the most important things to remember is to use short jerks or twitches when retrieving the lure through the water column.

This will make it look like baitfish swims in their natural environment, triggering strikes from predators nearby.

The key is to keep them short and quick, so they don’t give away your location too quickly or scare off nearby fish which might be watching but not yet ready for attack mode (yet).

Another great technique for using this lure is to let it sit still in one place before beginning a slow retrieve.

The best way would be making sure there’s no slack line when you cast out so as not to give away how close by they might be lurking around waiting for dinner time.

The last thing worth mentioning here is how important having an accurate casting ability is when using jerk baits.

Since they’re designed to be worked in tight areas with lots of covers, you’ll often find yourself casting up against docks, tree limbs, or other structures.

So make sure your casts are landing within inches of where you want them so you can maximize your chances of getting a strike.

Now that we’ve covered how to rig a hard jerk bait and some of the best techniques for using it let’s look at how you can use these lures in your next fishing trip.

Best Ways To Fish A Hard Bodied Jerkbait

How To Rig A Hard Jerkbait

You can fish a hard jerkbait using many different techniques, but some are more effective than others. So if you want to catch the most bass on your next fishing trip, try these three proven methods:

  • Troll it – The most effective way to fish a hard jerkbait is by trolling. This technique allows you to cover more water than any other, and it’s also the easiest way to catch big bass. To troll with a jerkbait, just cast out your line (with no weight) and slowly reel it in while jerking the bait from side to side.
  • Cast it – Another great way to fish a hard jerkbait is by casting it near the cover and letting it sink down before starting your retrieve. This method can be very effective when bass are hiding among submerged structures or weeds.
  • Work it slow – When fishing a hard jerkbait in open water, you can also work it slowly. This will make the bait wobble more and imitate a dying fish, which often triggers strikes from bass. Experiment with different speeds until you find one that produces the most bites.

No matter how you decide to fish a hard jerkbait, be sure to use quality hooks and lines. This will ensure that you can land more fish when they strike your lure.

FAQs About Rig a Hard Jerkbait

What do you use to fish a jerkbait?

The best way to rig a hard Jerkbait for optimal performance is with an Owner Mosquito Light Hook.

If you have never used anything but the hook that comes on your jerk baits, then these will be game-changers for you.

I always start with a new jerkbait and rig it up with these hooks; then, I keep the original hook in my pocket to swap out for another pre-rigged lure if one gets lost or damaged during the day.

How do you fish hard jerk baits?

A: The best way to rig a hard Jerkbait for optimal performance is with an Owner Mosquito Light Hook.

If you have never used anything but the hook that comes on your jerk baits, then these will be game-changers for you.

I always start with a new jerkbait and rig it up with these hooks; then, I keep the original hook in my pocket to swap out for another pre-rigged lure if one gets lost or damaged during the day.

What are the best jerk baits?

A: The best way to rig a hard Jerkbait for optimal performance is with an Owner Mosquito Light Hook. If you have never used anything but the hook that comes on your jerk baits, then these will be game-changers for you.

I always start with a new jerkbait and rig it up with these hooks; then, I keep the original hook in my pocket to swap out for another pre-rigged lure if one gets lost or damaged during the day.


When rigging a hard jerkbait, it is important to use the right equipment and techniques to achieve optimal performance.

By following these simple tips, you can maximize your chances of landing that big fish. Thanks for reading.