How to Keep Water from Pooling on Canopy: Tips and Tricks

How to keep water from pooling on canopy? If you’ve ever had a canopy, you know that water can pool on the top, making it heavy and difficult to manage. This blog post will discuss some tips and tricks to help keep water from pooling on your canopy.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your canopy in good condition and avoid any potential problems down the road.

First and foremost, it is important to keep the canopy as dry as possible. This can be done by using a waterproofing agent or sealant on the fabric. If water does manage to get through, make sure to dry it off as soon as possible.

How Do I Stop My Canopy from Blowing Away?

One of the most significant issues with canopies is that they tend to blow away in the wind. One way to help keep your canopy in place is by using weights or stakes to secure it to the ground.

Make sure to use enough weight/stakes so that the canopy won’t move in high winds.

Can I Leave My Canopy Up Overnight?

It is not recommended to leave your canopy up overnight, as it can be susceptible to bad weather conditions. However, if you must leave it up overnight, make sure to take down the canopy in the morning and store it in a safe place.

How Do I Clean My Canopy?

Canopies can be cleaned using a wet cloth or a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fabric.

How Long Does a Canopy Last?

Canopies are typically designed to last for around three years, but they can last much longer with proper care and maintenance. One of the main things that can shorten the life of a canopy is water pooling on it.

How to Keep Water from Pooling on Canopy

  • First and foremost, it is important to keep the canopy as dry as possible. This can be done by using a waterproofing agent or sealant on the fabric. If water does manage to get through, make sure to dry it off as soon as possible.
  • One of the biggest issues with canopies is that they tend to blow away in the wind. One way to help keep your canopy in place is by using weights or stakes to secure it to the ground. Make sure to use enough weight/stakes so that the canopy won’t move in high winds.
  • It is not recommended to leave your canopy up overnight, as it can be susceptible to bad weather conditions. If you must leave it up overnight, make sure to take down the canopy in the morning and store it in a safe place.
  • Canopies can be cleaned by using a wet cloth or a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment. Be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fabric.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your canopy in good condition and avoid any potential problems down the road.

How to Keep Dry at a Rainy Outdoor Craft Show

Are you going to a craft show? Here is everything you need to know about keeping your canopy dry during a rainstorm.

If you have ever been to a craft show, arts and crafts festival, or any other outdoor event when it was raining, I’m sure that there were at least a few vendors who had their display area under an umbrella or tent that had water pooling on the roof.

Here are some tips for keeping that from happening to you at an outdoor event during rainy weather.

1. If other vendors’ tents surround your canopy, it can be challenging to keep rainwater out of your display area without taking action. One way to keep the water away is by putting a tarp across the front of your canopy so that it hangs at least halfway down to the ground.

2. If you don’t have a tarp, you can use some plastic sheeting and nails to create a barrier over the front edge of your booth’s roof. This will protect against rain coming off other vendors’ tents as well as water running down the side of your canopy.

The plastic sheeting should be secured to the nails at the top, but it should hang loosely in front so that air can still circulate between your display and other vendors’ areas.

3. If you have awnings on your tent’s sidewalls or stands next to your booth, they will act as a barrier to keep the rainwater away. However, it’s still a good idea to attach some plastic sheeting or tarp directly to your roof so that you have complete coverage, despite any gaps between the sidewalls and the side of your canopy/tent.

4. The tarp method will work best if it is secured down at all four corners of your canopy, not just at the two ends. This will keep it from flapping in the breeze and catching on to things.

It’s also a good idea to secure the tarp with brick or stone weighing bags that you can purchase at any hardware store, so they don’t get blown around by wind gusts.

5. If it is raining hard, there’s no reason to stay outside. However, if you have an umbrella to help shield your display area from the rain, you can wait it out until the storm passes without having to worry about keeping your booth dry.

6. The plastic sheeting method will work the best if one edge of the sheeting is above the roofline of your canopy and it’s secured to something on the other side. This will keep it from floating away in a strong wind gust.

7. Don’t forget about safety, especially if you use an I-Beam or other heavy display. You don’t want the weight of the water (or anything else) on your roofline to cause anything to collapse.

8. If you can’t keep water off your canopy when it’s raining, make sure that the excess water is draining away instead of pooling on top for a long time, where it can drip down and damage your display items.

9. If you have a lot of stuff outside in a heavy rainstorm, one other option is to use a tarp. Don’t try to use the tarp as a roof, or you will have water running underneath it and down inside your display area, but use it as a ground cover over the top of everything so that the rain can’t get in and damage anything.

When the rain stops and you’re ready to pack up and go, make sure that you take down all barriers, tarp weights, etc., so that they are ready for another use.

10. If your canopy is at a show with an indoor area where people can wait out rainy weather or have lunch during very wet conditions, it can also be a good idea to put some of your display items under the canopy so that they stay dry.

One way to do this is by having an umbrella with a stand or table underneath it to provide shade and protection from rain at the same time.

11. If you set up your canopy before it starts raining and the canopy is waterproof and pads, you shouldn’t have any problems with pooling water.

If you set up after it starts raining and the canopy doesn’t cover your entire display area (or isn’t real waterproof), then you will need to keep some items under your canopy or put them under umbrellas so that they stay dry.

12. You can use a canopy anchor to prevent your canopy from blowing away in very windy conditions. If the rain is coming in sideways and it looks like you will have pooling water on your display area for a while, consider breaking down and moving to a covered area with a good drainage system in place so that there’s no damage done when the water in the pooling area eventually evaporates.

13. Remember that it is best to keep all of your display items inside a tent or canopy to protect them from weather conditions. If you have any tables outside, consider moving them into the tent or putting everything on racks, pegboards, or hooks on top of your tables instead of using the tabletop for your display.

14. There are different rain conditions in which you can use other methods to protect your belongings from weather damage, so you should consider all of your options before deciding what to do in each situation.

For example, when it’s raining very heavily, it will be best to have plastic sheeting at the peak of the roofline to keep most of the water away. However, if it’s just lightly raining or drizzling, you can use a tarp as an umbrella cover instead of plastic sheeting at the peak.

15. When you are covering your display items with sheets of plastic (or any other type of waterproof barrier), make sure that there is enough space between your items to fit in the plastic sheeting.

If you have a lot of things on small racks or hanging on cables with little clearance, you may want to reconsider what you are displaying so that you can provide more space for waterproof coverings.

How Can I Get The Water Out Of My Canopy Tent?

How To Keep Water From Pooling On Canopy

There’s nothing worse than trying to set up your canopy and having to stop every second because the water is pooling on the roof of your tent. Fortunately, there are ways you can prevent the water from pooling and ruining your canopy. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Avoid placing canopies directly under trees during rainstorms. If the canopy is in a location where water can accumulate, try adding a tarp to the area immediately underneath your canopy.
  • Spray waterproofing on the top of your canopy tent before use. You can purchase this at most local hardware stores. This will allow you to keep your canopy up during rainstorms without worrying about whether or not the rain is getting through.
  • Keep a tarp underneath your canopy at all times. If you already have a tarp on the ground, then it won’t matter if some of the water drips down the sides of the canopy.
  • Pitch your canopy on dry ground. Water may pool near rocks or other mounds of dirt that hinder water from running off of the surface during rainstorms. These areas are especially prone to accumulating pools of water beneath a canopy.
  • Try putting a piece of wood beneath one of the legs of your canopy. This will allow the water to run off onto the ground easier and it may also help with drainage issues at low points on your tarp.
  • Pull your canopy so that it is taught when you attach all six cords to the top of the canopy. This will help to keep the water from pooling on your top because it will be easier for the water to run off of the tarp.
  • Use a broom to knock any excess water off of your roof before you go inside of your canopy tent. Be sure to do this after every rainstorm if you want the most effective results.
  • Purchase a canopy fan that will automatically turn on when it starts to rain outside. This way, the fan shall blow any excess water off of your canopy. However, you can also use this fan if it happens to be hot outside and you want the canopy to act like an umbrella that helps prevent you from getting too much sun exposure.
  • Keep your canopy as taut as possible. This will make it easier for the water to run off of your roof and prevent any pools from collecting on top of your tent. A loose canopy with a bunch of slack in it is much more likely to accumulate pools of water and cause problems.


Canopies can make your event more fun, and they also give you an excellent place to set up that is out of the sun or rain. However, you must use plastic sheeting, tarping, or waterproof spray on your canopy before it starts raining if you want to keep the water from pooling and ruining your canopy tent.

Also, make sure that your canopy is as taught as possible after attaching all six of the canopy tent’s cords to the top is a great way to keep water from pooling on top.

You can also use garden stakes or wood slats placed underneath your tarp in low areas to prevent puddles from forming during rainfall events.